adianaresolve ©
Centro de Terapias
Brand strategy and
visual identity.
"Magna" comes from the Latin word "Magnus," which is a figurative adjective for "great" and "important." Magna represents transformation, personal strength, and spiritual greatness. Located in one of the most emblematic areas of Lisbon, in Belém, it is born under the concept of healing, connection, and the alignment of the body and mind.
The visual identity aims to convey the ideal of emotional and spiritual transformation with the human being as the starting point. The "M" in the name is also used as a symbol and is represented separately to reinforce the concept. The vegetation and nature surrounding the name evoke escapism and self-discovery, something that only contact with nature can provide.
The choice of font and color selection positions the brand at a level that does justice to the elegant and harmonious environment created by the architecture and decoration of the space.